There are many advanced prostate cancer clinical trials currently being conducted to test new treatments. Clinical trials are organized studies conducted in patients to evaluate a drug’s safety and efficacy. They are required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before a particular treatment can be made available to the public.

Clinical trials can:
- Answer specific questions about new treatments
- Test new ways of using established treatments
- Test the safety and effectiveness of a treatment
Every clinical trial is designed to answer a specific set of questions about a treatment. Each study enrolls patients with certain types and stages of cancer and a defined health status. If you fit the criteria for a clinical trial, you may be eligible to take part.
Your doctor may not always be aware of a study that you could join, so you should check out to find out if one is available or the Us TOO Clinical Trials page to learn more about resources around clinical trials and the types of trials out there. If you find an appropriate study, you must have a reasonable understanding of the possible risks and benefits and be freely willing to take part in it. All patients in clinical trials are carefully monitored during and after participating in the trial.